Cannabis Clothing for
Men & Women
that love to stay
"High in Fashion".
Enjoy our newish collection from
Shamarie Designer Boutique!
About Us
Fuck U
We Still Smoking
Clothing Company
the fashion & cannabis culture together as one.
FUWSS Clothing Company
was created for cannabis fashion that like to
Stay High in Fashion.
Our Clothing Company Designs
consist of popular names of cannabis.
A few of our hottest designs come for "Loud", "Zaza" , Mary Jane &"FUWSS" Signature Apparel.
Loud is Chicago slang term we used to describe marijuana that is strong
and also has a strong odor. It has nothing to do with sound.
ZAZA is a Chicago slang term we use to describe
real exotic weed.
The phrase "Fuck U" means only an expression of one's thoughts of feelings.
Therefore, it is not used to offend anyone in any form or fashion.
Nor Do we Encourage smoking of any fashion, we just want you to look FLY in